Thursday, September 26, 2002

as promised: an eXtra long post for the day.

first: here's a real funny website I found today. our pResident is such a fucking moron

Now I begin. I'm on the attack tonight.

I had the biggest argument today over Iraq. I concide that he is a no-good-very-bad-person. But I also believe that he is no personal threat to me.

All the evidence shown is circumstansial. Even Prime Minister Tony Blair's "dossier"blairspeak
is suspect. All it is is more rehashed information of the same things we already know.

So today, I felt I should let it be known that I oppose all wars and I was promptly told that I was asking for it. What the fucking fuck. Let's examine this logic: I oppose war. I feel that Dubya the Boy King is a bigger threat to the world than Saddam Hussein is (Logically this makes sense: we do spend nearly half a fucking TRILLION dollars on defense. Saddam has some Soviet-era tanks and old biochem weapons that we fucking gave him in the '80s. OOOOOO WHAT A THREAT OOOOO OH MY FUCKING GOD!) proof of our 80's cOmplicity

But of course, I'm automatically wrong because I'm giving Saddam, who the press and our fucking leaders say is evil, the benifit of the doubt.
moRe blair speak

I still contend that all that juicy oil under Iraq is our true objective. If it isn't, then why are Russian oil companies scared to death that they will be pushed out of the Iraqi oil buisness?the russiAns are not pleaseD

My roommate is an idiot to believe that "liberating" Iraq will make the whole Arab world love us. First of all, that's listening to Dubya the Moron Boy King logic that they hate us "because we are free." So if they are free, they'll love us 'cause America Rocks! YAY! well, you(as in Bush and his dumbass warmonger cronies) can take that logic and fuckyourselfwith it I found a flow chart that says quite the opposite.
uggabugga is so cooL

Uggabugga has an excellent blogspot, as an aside. After tonight I will be permenantly linking to them. uggabugga

Back to my rant. This argument took a decidedly ugly turn when I laid out the possiblity that "Gulf War II" could go horribly wrong and the whole Arab World could rise up against us, in which case we probably had it coming. I stated that I would not participate in any such war, draft or no draft. I am a Conscientious Objector. I was again, promptly told that I would still have to aid the government's war. I object to this. It is clearly an infringement on my beliefs: I oppose war in all fashions. I will not, under any circumstances, aid in any war. War is evil. War does not mean peace. Fuck that logic. So then, in this hypothetical situation, I would end up in exile or in jail for having a belief system that war is evil and I want no part in it. Fuck that logic.

but of course, I'm automatically wrong.
HMMM...does the Patriot Act, the same act that makes dissent terrorism, sound really free to you? Do the slow erosion of civil liberties sound like we're all that free? "Those who give up their liberty for a little bit of security deserve neither." Thank you Ben Franklin.

Perhaps there is some light at the end of this long and dark tunnel called the Bush Presidency: 1- Germany's Gerhard Schroder won the parlimentary elections this week on the slimmest of margins. I fear his government won't last a year..that's just how parlimentary governments work. But his opponent is equally anti-war. Excellent! 2- Canada today said they would not support the US's little military adventure.
O canAda!

More ranting: Bunker Buster (mini-nukes). There's no such thing as a clean nuclear weapon. There's no such thing as a good nuclear bomb. Nuclear weapons, in any way, shape, or form, are an evil that we've inflicted upon this world. If you dont believe me, do your own research: but start here:nukes suck
and then start here:nukes still suck

What fucking right do we have to do this to another country. So fucking what if they don't like us! We should stop DOING things that MAKE other PEOPLE not LIKE us. HOW'S that for a plan of action? But BOY king is TOO stupid TO think OTHERWISE.

If we do this preemptive-regime-change-strike then I hope someone gets the idea to replace the regime down in DC.

Call YOUR fucking CONGRESSPERSON damnit!

end of rant.

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