Friday, September 20, 2002

looks like another weekend night of staring at the walls or drinking and feeling unfulfilled. yay. fun.

I seem to be entering this phase in my life where...well.. I simply don't know what to do. I like writing my column and I like reporting the news for WIXQ. college raDio But I don't really know what I want to do after college. I don't even like my major anymore. It's gotten kind of ..dull.

Anyway I rant too much. Prozac may be required hehehe.

anyway check out Izzy.izzY is a big boy now

One of my favorite forecasters (despite his often poor manners with other internet posters) is calling for a New Orleans strike by the middle of next week. Not good for New Orleans. I doubt they have enough beads for Izzy to play with. If Izzy does tremondous damage, I doubt the US will be able to easily handle it. Boy King squandered the surplus on more smart bombs that miss and hit little kids at weddings.

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