Sunday, October 20, 2002

My "Fuck you Dubya and your oil war" sign seems to have achieved its purpose. I'm offending everyone! Oh joy!

I can feel smug about myself today for the first time in a long time.

North Korea issue: I believe a couple days ago I promised a solution to our North Korea Nuclear Problem. It's really quite simple.

We must bomb Iraq, kill its leaders and take its oil! In fact, that's probably what we're gonna do anyway! Bombing Iraq is the solution to everything! Sniper stalkin' your capital? BOMB IRAQ. Dow plummeting? BOMB IRAQ. Annoying 21-year-old progressive kid in staunchly conservative Philly-on-the-east-Pittsburgh-on-the-west-Mississippi-down-the-middle Pennsylvania offending his neighbors? BOMB IRAQ!

I love how the Washington Post used "irked" in its headline. I can't say I've ever seen that before. Clever.

I, of course, am not irked. I'm absolutely run-down-the-halls-screaming-bloody-murder-like-a-banshee furious. It's beyond wrong (I'm tempted to say putrid, evil, disgusting, despicable, un-American, treasonous) to withold information on a xenophobic American-hating power that has the bomb from Congress who voted to authorize military force against a power that may or may not have them. Again, NORTH KOREA HAS THE BOMB, PEOPLE! Again, NORTH KOREA CAN STRIKE AMERICAN CITIES with their NUCLEAR BOMBS! I may be a pacifist, but I recognize when force should be used. North Korea can nuke American cities if they wanted to, and they can nuke Japanese cities and South Korean cities. THEY HAVE THE BOMB!!! WHY AREN'T WE DOING ANYTHING???

simple, they have no oil. That has to be it. Oh yeah, no North Korean leader tried to kill our "leader's" dad. Makes ya go hmmmm.

Well, that's my afternoon post. I have research to do on my compulsory voting project for The Storm, and I have to do some research for my film paper. If ya wanna know what my film paper is on, here goes: I'm comparing and contrasting the themes of terrorism and materialism in the movies Brazil and Fight Club. It's going to be an excellent paper..some of the literature I'm using for the socal aspects of my paper (terrorism and materialism) is quite interesting: I'm currently reading Terrorism In Context by Martha Crenshaw. I have a few more books on terrorism to tackle, then I'm off to materialism. Brazil is a fabulous movie but deeply disturbing at the same time. I could sum it up as a comedic version of 1984, but the film is much more complex. GO RENT IT!

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