Monday, November 18, 2002

Added to the Blogroll:

William Burton: He's funny. He's sharp as a tack on issues. I (usually) agree with him. A must read.

Xymphora: Conspiracy theorist? Or is he really the one guy with the truth...I enjoy reading him, as he makes me think outside of the box. I do disagree with his 9/11 Pentagon theory, however, even though his theory has merit and is rather thought provoking. Whoever he is, as he is anonymous, he's an incredibly observant and intelligent person.

Scoobie Davis Online: Dude...I wanna be just like this dude. And he has the same contempt for Ann Coulter (i refuse to link to her ever...oh wait i did it once...never again, I swear) that I do.

I'll be adding links too this week.

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