Many thanks to Sean-Paul over at The Agonist for discovering this fascinating weblog. It appears to be legit.
I'm surprised about how much the author knows about the outside world, but then again, my surprise shows my ignorance. All this time, we were led to believe that no western anything got into the nation of Iraq. It appears his internet access is strictly controlled. It's likely he's being watched by the Iraqi government. I wish him well.
He is one angry dude. His rage holds no bounds...Saddam, Bush, America, Britian...they're all targets.
My favorite quote, in response to an ignoramus poster:
Honey-bunny no one asked you to friggin’ come here. And no one asked for your help. It is your government that has been poking its nose in the region’s affairs. Why is it always forgotten that the US government supported the Islamic extremists during the cold war era as a way to keep Soviet influence at bay. Well I guess it backfired now, didn’t it? Just as the US support to Iraq has backfired.
Without further ado: Where is Raed?
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