Thursday, December 12, 2002

it's about time Bush said something about that loser Lott. That's all I'm gonna say.

I lied. I'd be remiss in saying that I have a bar of soap, and a paddle, that the President can borrow if he really wants to "scold" Trent Lott. And I didn't even use the soap.

Observations on Black voters, young and old.

This is really just my own observation, and personal experience.

Lately, there's been a lot of talk of Republican's not caring about black people, and Democrats being race-baiters and taking the black community for granted.

I note that most of these people are not black.

I'm sure they are quite well-meaning. We appreciate your efforts. Oh yes, and do remind me to make up a gift basket. Now let me tell you what I really think. If you really want to know what we think, why don't you ASK US?

Seriously, I'm sure blacks like myself and many many others will tell you what we want out of America, and how we want it done. You don't even have to hire a special consultant. Just walk down the street and poll some black people. It's time to stop treating us like little children. We know what we want.

Here are my observations on black voters, you know, since I am one. . .

#1: Older blacks (like my parents and grandparent) overwhelmingly vote Democratic. They remember segregation. They remember how the Republican Party (back in the 1960s) tried to block the Civil Rights Act when it took the Dixiecrats into its fold. They don't trust Republicans, now. And they've installed that distrust into their children and grandchildren.

Yes, the Civil Rights Act first began in 1957 under a Republican administration. But it was the 1964 Act, which the Democrats supported while the Republicans tried to block it (when they took the Dixiecrats in after they defected) that pretty much gave the black vote to the Democrats. Nixon didn't help much either. Democratic programs such as Affirmative Action have helped the black community despite arguments to the contrary.

#2: Young black people, such as myself, tend to be really apathetic. This is really pathetic, but if that's the way they want to be, f*ck 'em. Those that are politically active, from my observation, range from moderate center-left to really liberal. It is really hard to find a black kid who's a conservative. I have yet to meet one. In fact, among my black friends, I'm the most conservative (and y'all know I am far from conservative on most issues.)

For example: I would have voted for John McCain, had he won the Republican nomination.
1: he was a war-vet. It's been awhile since a war-vet was president. I respect war vets, especially those who endured the hardships that McCain did.
2: Campaign Finance Reform. Even as a HS senior, I hated all that money being raised in somewhat dubious cases.
3: Thwarts Bush. I like that.
4: Honest.
5: Principled.
6: Experienced politician and military guy. He would know what is going on in the world.
7: would make Clean Air/Water stronger. Good, cause my eyes burn on Smog Alert Days. This whole summer was one long Smog Alert Day.

Now there are things that he's done wrong, in my mind. He voted against things that would help some minorities. And he is strongly pro-death penalty and supports building more and more prisons. I'd rather study why there is so much crime, and then fix that problem.

An observation, it appears that he tried to be "right" of Bush in the 2000 Primaries. I doubt he's that far to the right nowadays.

But back to black people, cause thats what this post is about.

To sum it up, we don't trust Republicans, and we won't until they prove themselves to us.

We're starting to not trust Democrats.

In all honestly, Ezola Foster, Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, and to an extent Jesse Jackson don't really represent our interests well. JC Watts, while a good representive, was more of a mouthpiece for conservative issues. Blacks, in my mind, saw him as more of a token then a real conservative Black leader.

We're not gonna vote for Greens. So we don't vote.

We appreciate the efforts of well-meaning white liberals and conservatives. Really, we do. But if you don't ask us what we want, we're gonna tune you out. Instead of debating black issues, which you know little about, amongst yourselves, TALK TO US DIRECTLY!

Kvetch away.

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