Tuesday, December 10, 2002


Q: So where are you on other issues?

A: It depends. Capital punishment: NO. except in the case of Osama. Then YES.

Abortion: Personally, I am anti-abortion. But I have to respect the right to choose. It's a deeply personal decision, although I'd rather adoption was utilized.

School Prayer: If it isn't school sanctioned, then sure, kids can do what they want in school.

Gay Rights/Marriage/Adoption: The moral crowd is gonna get me on this one, but I believe God honestly doesn't give two shits about who you sleep with or who you marry. And I think God wants all of His people to be happy. So I'm all for it, and that's why Clinton pissed me off with the Family Values Act. Government has no business legislating the family, marriage, or anything personal like that. I don't care, so why should they? What's the big ole' threat? God made all of us unique and different, and people should just accept that instead of being bigoted and evil about it.

Religion in General: I'm not the most religious of people. Right now, I'm a non-denominational Christian, although I think I'm a Quaker. I attended a Quaker school from kindergarden thru second grade, and I really like their message of peace, tolerance, and diversity. Their services are simple, too, and I like that in religion. I'm not big on big and flashy, that's why I left the Baptist Church.

Education: This is more of a state issue. In Pennsylvania, there is such a wide gap between the poorest districts and the richest ones. PA's constitution requires the state to give free and equal education to all of its students, and it just isn't doing that. Equal education for all. And stop testing the kids, I mean sheesh. They can't learn anything if all they are doing is taking tests and studying for tests. Teach the kids. Not test them. On the issue of vouchers. . . I don't support them. What happens when all the kids have left the failing school? Do we tear the failing school down? Or do we fix it up? Noone seems to be addressing this issue.

Gun Control: Crazies and felons, and convicted felons should not have guns. At one time I was all for banning them completly, but ever since I became a civil libertarian, I believe people have a right to own a gun. This is mainly due to 9/11. Except the groups I've mentioned.

More later while I'm on this stream-of-consiousness bit.

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