Friday, January 24, 2003


Blogger ate my archives. I want them back.

My Congresspeople (Rep. Joseph Pitts(R-Lancaster), Sen. Arlen Spector (who has canceled his guest lecture at Millersville twice's apparently on Iraq...which would explain why he canceled right before Congress abdicated its right to declare war...that was the first time. Arlen, buddy, you've lost my vote. ), and Sen. Rick Santorum (#3 in the Senate, and Stepford wife in Training) are not going to be of any help. So I suppose I'll have to accept $1,000 a life for those killed on September 11, 2001. But I'm not.

Then I discovered that Kean is somehow connected to a company run by a member of the Bin Laden family. While yes, they've disowned him, I still think it's just a tad fishy. A few bloggers have commented on this: most notably Xymphora who I've noticed is often on top of things before the mainstream blog world gets them. If I don't read him(or her) for a few days, I miss a lot.

Xymphora's coverage: Here and here.

Sean-Paul has blogged on Kean's fishiness too. He's doing some great work these days.

Uggabugga should make a chart on this, although it won't do much. Bush got his $1,000 a life whitewash and we'll never truly know the answers to September 11.

You know, I've realized something: If I get outraged over every slap in the face, I'm going to get warn out. Perhaps I should direct that energy into something else.

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