Sunday, August 3, 2003

I'm violating my rule of NOT posting while angry just to say that those who hide behind the Bible to deny rights to as much at 10% of the American population are nothing but reconstructed bigots. Enough said. That "blah blah blah, I have no problem with homosexuals, but my bible says they're all flaming sinners and they are going to Hell so that's a good reason to deny them rights like marriage and marriage rights but of course I bear them no malice" is such utter bullshit. Reconstructed bigots, end of debate.

This is exactly why I left the Southern Baptists and I may just throw all of Christianity in the trash. In fact, I may just go Agnostic, cause I'm sick of intolerant religious fanatics of all religions spouting their hate and saying "God" or "Allah" or "YHWH" or "Buddah" or "Vishnu" said it was okay. Fuck that shit. I'm sick of people saying "The Bible says this, so you can't do that." I'm fucking sick and tired of it. And fuck you all for saying it.

And you know what? God is laughing at all you people. I know She is.

(Sorry...research for my thesis is starting to get to me...and a certain running argument has gotten under my skin.)

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