Tuesday, February 22, 2005

job search

I've begun my job search now that all my graduation paperwork is finally in and processed. I bought my cap and gown today. That was weird. (Graduation is May 7th. Cards of well wishing can be directed to
12 University Drive, Millersville PA 17551

So far, applications and resumes have been sent to:
1. A consulting firm in DC that was looking for "an energetic recent college graduate" for a staff assistant.
2. The CIA (Office Assistant. Foot in door type job)
3. The Department of Transportation as a Program Analyst. It was a student job, meaning I should send them my transcripts (oh no.....)
4. Planning Trainee for the state of PA, I'm on the hiring list (I scored 80 out of 100.)
5. Transportation Planning Specialist Trainee for PENNDot, also on the hiring list.

I also applied to a think tank that does work with democracy, but I don't really remember the name and it was so long ago (and I haven't heard anything back either).

That's it so far. I'm taking the PA State Civil Service Exams in March for whatever I can find.

Send me job leads. I'd like to get something lined up to start in June so I don't have to move back in with the parents (and they'd probably like it if I didn't move back in either.)

And while you're at it, send job leads to my friend Rachel too. She needs a job.

I'm a tropical fish addict now. I went out and bought a new Betta (he's red and feisty...would you like to help name him?) and two Blue Ram Cichlids. I was more worried about the Rams but they've adjusted to my main tank well. Spot, my lone poor male guppy seems to think one of the Rams is a big female guppy. He's followed it around all day.

The Rams do need names.

It took a few years but I think I may have found my hobby. That, and shortwave radio.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


It's the scandal that keeps on giving.

(R to NC-17 rated pics. Hot Escort fake White House Journalist Action. Don't click if you've got kids around.)

Wednesday, February 9, 2005


So I've been following this story about Jeff Gannon/J.D. Guckert/HotmilitarystudM4M and find it rather amusing. You can read all about it at Daily Kos or Atrios, both of whom are in the links off to the left. I don't feel sorry for him in the least. For one thing, he wrote gay-bashing stories for his news service (which has scrubbed them from their site. Wayback machine anyone?) while he was probably gay all along. He got outed. Too bad.

Furthermore, I think when the FMA comes up again, certain members of Congress who vote for it should be outed (and we all know they exist , they're just self-hating or whatever). It sounds nasty, but I, for one, am sick of the hypocrisy.

Moral of the story, don't be a hypocrite.

That and CNN is officially Right-Centerish Propaganda. I named it that almost three years ago. I'm glad I was right all along.