Wednesday, February 9, 2005


So I've been following this story about Jeff Gannon/J.D. Guckert/HotmilitarystudM4M and find it rather amusing. You can read all about it at Daily Kos or Atrios, both of whom are in the links off to the left. I don't feel sorry for him in the least. For one thing, he wrote gay-bashing stories for his news service (which has scrubbed them from their site. Wayback machine anyone?) while he was probably gay all along. He got outed. Too bad.

Furthermore, I think when the FMA comes up again, certain members of Congress who vote for it should be outed (and we all know they exist , they're just self-hating or whatever). It sounds nasty, but I, for one, am sick of the hypocrisy.

Moral of the story, don't be a hypocrite.

That and CNN is officially Right-Centerish Propaganda. I named it that almost three years ago. I'm glad I was right all along.

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