Sunday, November 17, 2002

Pennsylvania is more backwards then rural Mississippi.

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Students in private and public schools would be required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance or sing the national anthem each morning under a bill unanimously passed Wednesday by the state Senate.

Republican Rep. Allan Egolf said he introduced the measure, which also would mandate the display of the American flag in all classrooms, after finding that some schools did not ask students to recite the pledge.

"It's getting away from teaching about what our country stands for, what our founders did, and why we have the country we have," Egolf said.

The measure would allow students to decline reciting the pledge and saluting the flag on the basis of religious conviction or personal belief, but school officials would have to notify their parents.

The American Civil Liberties Union has said that it believes the parental notification requirement would discourage students from exercising their right not to participate.

The House approved a similar bill but must agree to the changes before the bill goes to Gov. Mark Schweiker for final approval.

I am SO getting out of this state.

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