Monday, December 1, 2003

moving and growing up

I'm doing a big thing. I'm growing up. Well, not really. I'm still in college. But finally, after a seven semester run, Terry is finally moving into an apartment. I do have four other roommates. It's still a first, and it feels like a grownup decision. I'm paying bills for a change. This is different. Kinda cool too. The best part is I won't have to move for another year. w00t!

Which leads me to the following. (It's for family members. I'm being mostly humorous though.)

Christmas List

I wasn't going to ask for anything because I have too much clothing and too many books and too much junk in general. But I'd like:

1. A futon. Gotta sleep on something.
2. A bookshelf. Or two...I already have a small library. Note to students reading this: keep your books (they'll make you smarter), but send them home to mom and dad. I've been carting around at least 200lbs of books for the last two years.
3. A desk. Kmart has this particular desk on sale this week. It's the coolest desk I've ever seen. I think it even slices bread. . . Hint hint. . .This desk is also cool, but I doubt it slices bread.
4. An Armoire. I need to put my underwear somewhere.

I also want world peace, an end to poverty, clean air and water, a new President, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, a new built body, and some cookies. No fruitcake though.

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