Wednesday, January 14, 2004


This low-carb cult is getting out of hand. I'm starting to ask at restaurants to bring me the normal bread---not that low-carb swill. Some observations I've made so far:

1. Low-carb beer tastes like crap. And I do like me some beer.
2. Low-carb bread tastes like crap. And hello? Bread is nothing BUT carbs.
3. Positing from 1. and 2., I am going to conclude that all low-carb stuff tastes like crap.

I may be biased. I love beer, and I've been known to eat an entire loaf of bread in a sitting.

Now, doing this low-carb thing may indeed help people lose weight and get healthier. I, however, think it's a very strange cult. I'm no dietian, but I think that controlling portions and being active, not what's in the portions, will help people make diets, whether they are gaining weight or losing weight.

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