Thursday, May 22, 2003

The Senate agreed, at least, to make sure that Capitol Hill fully approves of the removal of the ban on nuclear weapons research. So do the planet a favor and call your congressperson. Drive the following point home:

A nuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon, period. No matter what the yield is, it's a nuke. Radiation will result. And if we start building them again, prompting known and suspected nuclear powers will likely do the same. And if they're used in a war (again, no matter what the yield), back and forth, leveling buildings and cities and vaporizing people and whole regions,
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.
our children HAVE NO FUTURE.

Repeat until they hang up on you, then call back. Again and again. Over and over until they get the point and stop this horror from happening.

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